August 25, 2011

gumdrop and rings of saturn earrings

the past couple of months have been busy, but i wanted to share some recent earrings i have made.  the other day, i stopped by Michael's (dangerous, i know) and picked up some beads on sale.  guess i will be wire snipping again this weekend to make a new necklace.

Simple danglies for a special birthday girl.  The ones on the left remind me of gumdrops.

Since the birthday girl just got her ears pierced, I made the earrings with sterling silver posts (in case of allergies).  I made extra pairs for my roommates and kept a dark green pair for myself.

Instead of wrapping the earrings in giftwrap, I placed them in a cute porcelain box that I found at Picnic in Russian Hill.
Washi tape to seal the gift!

And this is what I made tonight while watching TV and eating Thai take-out... I couldn't think of anything to name these, but they look like Saturn's rings, don't you think?

This is my first pair of antique brass earrings that I made for myself.  I can't wait to wear them this weekend!