October 29, 2011

october projects: perler bead coasters, new bracelet and necklace, and more

while everyone else is probably putting on real costumes for halloween, i decided to stay in and make/wear some costume jewelry instead. :)  i'm still feeling pretty wiped from spending the earlier part of today at the Treasure Island flea market, which was great!  i'll try to upload some pictures of the flea market when i get the chance to offload my SD card; it was my first time on the island and there were cute dogs dressed in costume everywhere.  antiques + crafts + dogs + 75-degree weather is what i call bliss!

for now, enjoy my month of October!

Remember perler beads? If you spent your kindergarten days in the US public school system, then you probably did a project with perler beads at some point. I found them in my closet and thought I would make some colorful coasters after being inspired by these radical Nintendo coasters that I saw on this website. I actually got the beads at Ikea (of all places) ages ago, so I am not sure if Ikea sells them anymore in the kiddie department. But on a sidenote, if you are an artist, geektoid, or person who wants to feel inspired or entertained, check out Toxel's website. I came across this entry on their website; I wonder where this house with the hidden garage is in Haight?

Since my perler beads were pretty much like Lite-Brite colors, I wanted to do something fun and vibrant. This is a watermelon coaster in-progress. The final version had only a yellow background. I got a second opinion, and D thought the two-tone made it harder to figure out.

Since I had these beautiful flowers in front of me (thanks, D!), I decided I wanted to make a floral coaster next.

Umm, can you say landscape design FAIL? I tried to depict "April showers bring May Flowers" but I think I overdid this one. If you look carefully, I tried to show a shining sun, cloud with raindrops, and flowers. The purple flower is supposed to be a hyacinth but looks more like Marge Simpson's hair for some reason.

Here are my final four. One for each season. If you're wondering what the orange one is, it's supposed to be a pumpkin :P

While I was letting the iron cool off from my perler bead activity, I saw my neighbor selling his pottery on the sidewalk. It's encouraging to see fellow people in the neighborhood with crafty hobbies!

While coasters were a fun project, I think I still prefer working on jewelry. I decided to make my first bracelet in pink (to honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month). I finished it off with a Mickey Mouse-looking clasp that my mom brought back from Korea along with some other cool beads and jewelry making supplies. My mother is so sweet!

This is the vendor that my mom bought jewelry making supplies from... it says "To-ma-to"

My mom also bought this sparkly pendant from Korea and wanted me to make her a long chain. A simple enough request!

Extra long chain and lobster claw - done!  I used an adjustable chain at the end in case my mom wants to shorten the necklace.

The final product. Koreans love sparkles!

Here you can get a sense of how long the necklace really is. I like how you can either pair the necklace with a shorter one, wear it wrapped twice around your neck, or wear it long by itself. The possibilities!

While I am at it, I wanted to share some blinged out lace shoes my mom bought for me in Korea for $3.50. Yes, you read that correctly. $3.50. What a steal!

Closer view

Here's my new necklace that I made last night. It's almost a dusty pink with black and copper colored beads. I pictured it here with a $2 resin brooch from Goodwill and a handmade clutch that I got back in college from Portobello Road Market in London.

Whatcha think?

Before I wrap up the night, I wanted to share with you some pumpkin carvings that my roomie did. This is her Totoro from last year.

And this is her country bumpkin from this year... so cute, huh? Too bad it molded after a week.

Here are some cute mini pumpkins that I saw at a small market. This would make a cute centerpiece or decoration on the mantelpiece.

Here are some pumpkins I saw while walking home one night. For those who ventured out in their real costumes tonight, have fun! I'm dressed up in my... well... costume jewelry. G'nite!